
Mr. Robot-黑客军团

Hello, friend. 好啊 朋友
'"Hello, friend." That's lame . 好啊 朋友 二死了
lame:adj.瘸的; n.(金属)薄板; v.使残废;
Maybe I should give you a name, but that's a slippery slope . 或许我该给你起个名字 但那就要一发不可收拾了
slippery slope:n.灾难性的急剧下滑;
You're only in my head. We have to remember that. 你只是我想象的 这我们得记住了
Shit. 该死
It's actually happened, 这真的发生了
I'm talking to an imaginary person. 我在跟我想象的人说话
What I'm about to tell you is top secret , a conspiracy bigger than all of us. 我要告诉你的事 是最高机密 一个无比庞大的阴谋
top secret:adj.绝密的,极机密的; conspiracy:n.阴谋;共谋;阴谋集团;
There's a powerful group of people out there that are secretly running the world. 有一群有权势的人 在秘密地掌控这个世界
I'm talking about the guys no one knows about, the guys that are invisible . 没人知道他们 他们有如隐形一样
The top 1% of the top 1%, the guys that play God without permission. 富人里的富人 私自决定扮演上帝的人
And now I think they're following me. 现在 我觉得他们在跟踪我
This is about last night. 这是为了昨晚的事
I should've gone to Angela's birthday party. 我就该去参加安吉拉的生日派对
Instead, I went to... 结果我却去了
Hey, Ron. 罗恩
There you go. 给你
You're Ron. 你是罗恩
But your real name is Rohit Mehta. 但你的真名是罗希特.梅塔
You changed it to Ron when you bought your first Ron's Coffee Shop six years ago. 你改叫罗恩 是六年前买下第一家罗恩咖啡馆的时候
Coffee Shop:na.咖啡店;(一般的)小餐馆;
Now you got 17 of 'em with 8 more coming next quarter. 现在你拥有17家了 下季度还要再买8家
May I help you with something? 有什么事吗
I like coming here 'cause your Wi-Fi was fast. 我喜欢来这里 因为你的无线网络很快
I mean, you're one of the few spots that has a fiber connection with gigabit speed. 你这里是为数不多 有千兆网速光纤网的地方
It's good. 这很好
I mean, so good, it scratched that part of my mind, part that doesn't allow good to exist without condition, so I started intercepting all the traffic on your network. 简直太好了 好到触及到我大脑中 认定好东西一定有代价的地方 于是我开始拦截你网络上所有的流量
scratched:adj.受抓损的;有刮痕;v.抓;搔;(scratch的过去式及过去分词) intercepting:n.[数][军]截取;被截终端;v.拦截(intercept的ing形式);
That's when I noticed something strange. 这时我发现了奇怪之处
It's when I decided to hack you. 便决定黑你
hack:n.砍; v.砍; adj.出租的;
Hack... - I know you run a website 黑... -我知道你经营一家网站
called Plato's Boys. - Pardon me? 叫做柏拉图的少年 -什么
You're using Tor networking to keep the servers anonymous . 你利用洋葱网络保持服务器匿名
You made it really hard for anyone to see it, but I saw it. 让人很难察觉 但我还是看到了
You made it:你做到了;你成功了;
The onion routing protocol , it's not as anonymous as you think it is. 洋葱路由协议 并不像你想象的那么有效
routing:v.彻底击败;使溃败;(rout的现在分词) protocol:n.协议;草案;礼仪;vt.拟定;vi.拟定;
Whoever's in control of the exit nodes is also in control of the traffic, which makes me... the one in control. 控制出口结点的人 也就能控制网络流量 也就是说 控制权在我手中
I must ask you to kindly leave. 我得请你离开
I own everything. 我掌握了一切
All your emails. All your files. 你所有的电邮 档案
All your...pics. 还有图片
Get out of here right now, or I'll call the... 马上出去 否则我...
Get out of here:出去(表示气愤或不耐烦等)
Police? 报警吗